The Best Conferences for Law Firm CFOs in 2024

Discover the top law firm CFO conferences in 2024 for financial efficiency, profitability, and technology-driven strategies. Don't miss out!
The Best Conferences for Law Firm CFOs in 2024


For any law firm CFO looking to stay ahead in the fast-evolving legal landscape, attending the right conferences is crucial. These events provide critical updates on financial efficiency, profitability, and leveraging technology to gain a competitive edge. Law firm CFO conferences help finance executives discover new strategies and best practices tailored to their unique challenges.

Here’s a quick snapshot of the most impactful law firm CFO conferences to consider in 2024:

  • 23rd Annual Law Firm COO & CFO Forum: Event by Thomson Reuters Institute, ideal for professional education and networking.
  • Gartner CFO & Finance Executive Conference: Expert advice on creating an agile finance function and improving business strategy.
  • Law Firm Financial Performance Forum: Focuses on financial and operational management, with insights into innovative pricing models and client feedback.

By attending these conferences, law firm CFOs can stay updated on essential topics like budgeting, fiscal planning, financial analysis, and the integration of new technologies to streamline operations.

Upcoming Law Firm CFO Conferences Infographic - law firm cfo conference infographic infographic-line-5-steps

The 23rd Annual Law Firm COO & CFO Forum

The 23rd Annual Law Firm COO & CFO Forum, hosted by the Thomson Reuters Institute, is set for October 22 - 23, 2024, in the heart of Times Square, New York City. This event is a must-attend for CFOs and COOs from the Am Law 200 and beyond.

Professional Education and Networking Opportunities

This forum is well-known for its comprehensive professional education sessions. It covers a range of topics that are crucial for law firm CFOs, from data privacy regulations to billing and collections improvements. For instance, last year's session, "The Forest Through the Trees: Navigating Data Privacy Regulation Changes", delved into how firms are adapting to new data privacy laws in the U.S. and the EU’s GDPR.

Networking is a significant aspect of the forum. It provides a platform for CFOs to connect with peers and industry experts. Last year, panels featured notable figures like Laura Long, COO of Hanson Bridgett, and Joseph J. Palermo, COO of Crowell & Moring LLP, sharing insights on how firms are handling increased regulatory pressures.

Am Law 200 Focus

The forum attracts top-tier law firms from the Am Law 200, making it an excellent venue for sharing best practices and innovative strategies. For example, in a session titled "River Deep, Mountain High: Navigating Strategic Pathways to ‘Future Proofing’ Law Firms", panelists like Jeffrey P. Connor, CFO of McGuireWoods LLP, discussed strategies for balancing urgency with long-term planning.

Times Square New York City - law firm cfo conference

Why Attend?

  • Expert Insights: Learn from industry leaders and gain actionable insights into financial management and operational strategies.
  • Networking: Build relationships with other CFOs and COOs, which can lead to valuable collaborations and knowledge sharing.
  • Stay Updated: Keep abreast of the latest trends and changes in the legal industry, such as the integration of AI tools in billing and collections.

This forum is an invaluable opportunity for law firm CFOs to enhance their skills, expand their network, and stay ahead of industry trends. Don't miss out on this premier event in Times Square, New York City.

Next, let's explore the Gartner CFO & Finance Executive Conference and what it offers for law firm CFOs.

Gartner CFO & Finance Executive Conference

The Gartner CFO & Finance Executive Conference is a must-attend event for finance executives looking to build an agile finance function. This conference is designed to provide expert advice and actionable insights to help CFOs navigate the complexities of today's business landscape.

Gartner is renowned for bringing together top finance minds to discuss the latest trends and strategies. This event is no different. Attendees can expect sessions on:

  • Business Strategy: Learn how to align finance with overall business goals. Discussions often focus on leveraging data analytics for strategic decision-making.
  • Agile Finance Function: Discover how to make your finance department more responsive and adaptable. This includes tips on streamlining processes and implementing new technologies.
  • Expert Advice: Hear from industry leaders who share their experiences and best practices. These sessions are invaluable for gaining insights into what works and what doesn’t.

One of the highlights of the Gartner conference is the emphasis on real-world applications. For example, many sessions feature case studies that show how companies have successfully transformed their finance functions. This practical approach ensures that attendees leave with actionable takeaways.

Russell Rosario, Co-founder at Profit Leap, emphasizes the importance of attending events like the Gartner conference. "These conferences are crucial for staying updated on the latest financial strategies and technologies. They provide a platform for networking and learning from the best in the industry," he says.

The Gartner CFO & Finance Executive Conference is not just about learning; it’s also about networking. The event offers numerous opportunities to connect with peers, share experiences, and build relationships that can be beneficial long after the conference ends.

In summary, the Gartner CFO & Finance Executive Conference is an essential event for any law firm CFO looking to improve their finance function and drive business growth.

Next, we'll delve into the Law Firm Financial Performance Forum and its unique focus on financial and operational management.

Law Firm Financial Performance Forum

The Law Firm Financial Performance Forum is a must-attend event for law firm executives focused on financial management and operational efficiency. Held alongside the Annual Law Firm COO & CFO Forum, this half-day, interactive program is designed to address the unique challenges faced by law firms today.

Focus on Pricing Models

One of the standout sessions at this forum is "Bold Engineering: Innovations in Law Firm Pricing Models." Here, experts like Keith Maziarek, Katten's Director of Pricing and Legal Project Management, discuss emergent pricing methodologies. This session is crucial for understanding how to adapt pricing strategies to meet client expectations and improve profitability.

"We’re always trying to figure out better ways to do that and always listening to partners in terms of what they think is important," says Dwight Floyd, COO at Eversheds Sutherland (US).

Client Feedback

Another crucial topic is incorporating client feedback into financial strategies. Understanding what clients value can lead to more effective pricing models and service improvements. This aligns with the insights shared by panelists at the forum, who emphasize the importance of data-driven decisions.

Operational Management

The forum also delves into operational management, offering strategies to streamline processes and enhance efficiency. From leveraging technology to adopting new management practices, the sessions provide actionable insights for law firm leaders.

Networking and Peer Learning

In addition to the educational sessions, the forum offers ample networking opportunities. Engaging with peers allows attendees to share experiences and learn from each other, providing a well-rounded approach to tackling financial and operational challenges.

In summary, the Law Firm Financial Performance Forum is an invaluable resource for law firm executives aiming to refine their financial and operational strategies.

Key Topics at Law Firm CFO Conferences

Attending a law firm CFO conference provides invaluable insights into the financial and operational aspects critical to law firms. Here's a look at some of the key topics typically covered:


Budgeting is like setting the roadmap for a law firm's financial journey. CFOs need to allocate resources wisely to ensure the firm's financial health. Sessions on budgeting often cover:

  • Resource Allocation: How to distribute funds across departments.
  • Cost Management: Identifying areas to cut costs without sacrificing quality.
  • Forecasting: Predicting future financial needs based on past data.

Fiscal Planning

Fiscal planning involves long-term financial strategies to help law firms grow sustainably. Key points include:

  • Strategic Investments: Deciding where to invest for maximum returns.
  • Risk Management: Identifying and mitigating financial risks.
  • Growth Planning: Developing plans for expansion or scaling back as needed.

Financial Analysis

Financial analysis helps CFOs understand the firm's financial health. This includes:

  • Profit and Loss Statements: Analyzing income and expenses.
  • Balance Sheets: Understanding assets, liabilities, and equity.
  • Cash Flow Statements: Tracking the flow of cash in and out of the firm.


Payroll management is crucial for maintaining employee satisfaction and compliance. Topics often discussed are:

  • Compliance: Ensuring payroll practices meet legal standards.
  • Efficiency: Streamlining payroll processes to save time and reduce errors.
  • Compensation Models: Exploring new ways to structure employee pay.

Fund Accounting

Fund accounting is essential for firms that manage multiple client funds. Key areas include:

  • Segregation of Funds: Keeping client funds separate from the firm's funds.
  • Compliance: Meeting regulatory requirements.
  • Reporting: Providing accurate financial reports to clients and stakeholders.

Investment Policy

An effective investment policy helps law firms grow their assets. Sessions might cover:

  • Risk vs. Reward: Balancing potential returns with acceptable risk levels.
  • Diversification: Spreading investments to minimize risk.
  • Performance Monitoring: Regularly reviewing investment performance.

Licensee Billing

Licensee billing ensures that law firms are compensated for their services. Important topics include:

  • Billing Accuracy: Ensuring bills are accurate and timely.
  • Client Communication: Keeping clients informed about billing policies.
  • Collections: Strategies for collecting overdue payments.

Financial Standards

Adhering to financial standards ensures consistency and reliability in financial reporting. Discussions often focus on:

  • GAAP Compliance: Following Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.
  • Audit Readiness: Preparing for internal and external audits.
  • Transparency: Ensuring financial practices are transparent and ethical.

By covering these key topics, law firm CFO conferences equip financial leaders with the knowledge and tools they need to navigate the complex financial landscape of the legal industry.

Next, we'll explore frequently asked questions about the role of a CFO in a law firm and the benefits of attending these conferences.

Frequently Asked Questions about Law Firm CFO Conferences

What does a chief financial officer do in a law firm?

A Chief Financial Officer (CFO) in a law firm handles a variety of critical tasks:

  • Budgeting: Creating and managing the firm's budget to ensure financial stability.
  • Fiscal Planning: Developing long-term financial strategies to support the firm's goals.
  • Financial Analysis: Evaluating financial data to guide decision-making.
  • Payroll: Overseeing payroll processes to ensure timely and accurate compensation.
  • Fund Accounting: Managing funds, including trust accounts, to comply with legal standards.
  • Investment Policy: Making decisions on investments to grow the firm's assets.
  • Licensee Billing: Handling billing processes for licensed practitioners.
  • Financial Standards: Ensuring compliance with financial regulations and standards.

How can law firm CFOs benefit from attending conferences?

Attending law firm CFO conferences offers several key benefits:

  • Networking: Connect with peers, industry experts, and potential partners.
  • Professional Education: Gain insights from expert speakers and panel discussions.
  • Industry Trends: Stay updated on the latest trends and best practices in financial management.
  • Operational Strategies: Learn new strategies to enhance operational efficiency and profitability.
  • Financial Management: Improve skills in budgeting, financial analysis, and fiscal planning.

For example, at the 22nd Annual Law Firm COO & CFO Forum, attendees discussed topics like cybersecurity, talent development, and client management, offering a comprehensive view of current challenges and solutions in the legal industry.

Emerging trends in law firm financial management include:

  • Pricing Models: Exploring alternative pricing structures to meet client demands.
  • Client Feedback: Using client insights to refine services and improve satisfaction.
  • Compensation Models: Balancing competitive salaries with non-monetary benefits to attract and retain talent.
  • Economic Conditions: Adapting financial strategies to navigate economic uncertainties.
  • Operational Strategies: Implementing efficient processes to streamline operations and reduce costs.

Shonette Gaston, COO at Blank Rome, highlighted the importance of non-compensation advantages like diversity and work flexibility in attracting talent. Similarly, Laura E. Long from Hanson Bridgett emphasized investing in roles like business development leaders and pricing experts to support attorneys and client teams effectively.

By understanding these trends, CFOs can make informed decisions that drive growth and efficiency in their firms.

Next, we'll conclude with insights from Russell Rosario, Co-founder at Profit Leap, on how to achieve strategic growth through expert financial management.


In the rapidly evolving legal industry, the role of a law firm CFO has never been more critical. As we’ve seen from the insights shared at various conferences, achieving financial efficiency and profitability requires a technology-driven approach and strategic financial management.

Russell Rosario, CPA and Co-founder at Profit Leap, emphasizes the importance of leveraging data analytics and AI to streamline operations. By integrating data-driven decisions into daily financial practices, law firm CFOs can enhance cash flow management and improve budgeting practices.

Key Strategies for Financial Efficiency

1. Data Analytics and Business Intelligence:** - Tools like Tableau and Power BI can help CFOs visualize financial data, identify trends, and provide actionable insights. - These insights can significantly influence strategic decisions, driving both efficiency and profitability.

2. Cash Flow Management:** - Effective cash flow management is crucial for maintaining the financial health of a law firm. Utilizing predictive analytics can help forecast cash flow needs and optimize financial planning.

3. Budgeting and Forecasting:** - Advanced financial modeling tools like Adaptive Insights aid in creating detailed financial forecasts and scenarios, essential for strategic planning and risk assessment.

4. Technology-Driven Approach:** - Implementing CRM and marketing automation platforms can enhance client relationship management and streamline marketing efforts. - AI and workflow automation can reduce administrative burdens, allowing attorneys to focus on client work.

Enhancing Profitability through Strategic Partnerships

Building strategic partnerships is another pivotal aspect. Collaboration with experts in financial and strategic consulting, like those at Profit Leap, can provide law firms with the expertise needed to navigate complex financial landscapes. These partnerships can also introduce scalable technology solutions that improve performance metrics and client feedback mechanisms.

Performance Metrics and KPIs: - Establishing clear KPIs and performance metrics is essential for measuring success and making data-driven decisions. - Regularly reviewing these metrics helps in adjusting strategies and ensuring alignment with the firm's financial goals.


By embracing these strategies, law firm CFOs can drive significant improvements in financial efficiency and profitability. Leveraging technology, data analytics, and strategic partnerships, they can navigate the complexities of financial management and position their firms for sustained growth.

For more insights on achieving strategic growth through expert financial management, visit Profit Leap.

By focusing on these key areas, law firm CFOs can ensure their firms are not only prepared for the challenges of today but are also positioned for future success.

Russell Rosario

My insights for entrepreneurs on financial strategy and integrating AI into business operations come from my experience as a CPA, fractional CFO, and AI software engineer for over 100 businesses.

Russell Rosario

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